From this day, I'm starting to do my web comic. Seriously, this project have linger in the back of my mind ever since high school, and I have yet to find the media that's suitable for this project.
Now there's web, and I have a pretty accesible connection, a laptop and scanner where I can do my work basically EVERYWHERE
I also found a site that contains screentones that I can use for my comic and it's very useful. Yep, as you can guess, my comic will be in black & white, manga-styled.
For the moment I would call it Great Greed, and it's on a fantasy settings. Wish me luck with this!!
On the side note, I notice I've been generating visits to, so for those who's interested, they now having their annual clearance sale which you can finds out from the link below, and giving out a 5 usd coupon for your next purchase, add that to their free shipping option for order over 50 usd. I''ve been buying many things from them and they never fail me even once! Really recommended!
Play-asia also a nice site to visit and get your things from, but it's primary a gaming web store, although you can find other things suchs as electronics and toys, try it out!
Did u guys know? Shigeru Miyamoto, father of Mario & Donkey Kong turn 53 today!!
I wish him the best today and for the years to come, and thank him for MAKING OUR WORLD COLORFUL AND FULL OF MUSHROOMS!!!
Everything started with a bad things at first, for instance, last Saturday I lost my ATM card. Is not that bad, I can get it back pretty easily with just patience, the thing is, I hate myself for being so stupid. I know people would probably say, "It's human nature to make mistake...". I just don't want to afford one again :). Okay, enough of that
There are some kind of Nintendo Conference yesterday in Japan and guess what? More and more and more and MORE interesting and good games are announced. For starters,
Children of Mana
Final Fantasy 3 (not the US's 3)
I recall playing FF3 entirely in Japan on the original Famicom with my friend Morris. It took us about 3 months just to finish it because we don't uderstand what really going on. At one point we actually stuck because we don't know that we have to palce one of the stone on its proper place.
So all this good games for my beloved DS, is it good? Yes, more games always good, is it bad? Hell yeah, this probably means that i will missing owning some of the games (just like during the Nes Era), sigh... in short, too much game to buy!!!!!
I just hope they won't released too close to each other, hehehehhehe.
I went back to Surabaya last weekend. There are things that I have to do, among them was going to the dentist (not my mom btw), go to the bank to get my overdue ATM cards, and last but not the least, attend some wedding Party as an uninvited guess as a favor for a certain someone. Not that I mind though, there's quite a number of guys from the Uni that I haven't seen for a while :)
Yep, It was Sunny's wedding last Sunday (for those who doesn't know her, you read her name right :) though the party was okay (the event organizer suck, IMO) going there qas quite a bitch. Really, there like, wedding party ALL OVER TOWN!!! I know not so many people want to have a wedding party during fasting month but all in one day? Geez!
Lastly, I hope that 'certain someone' appreciate what I just did :) Here's a couple of photos I took during the party
On the side note, Nintendo finally shows us their latest controller for the next-gen!!! Yay!!! It was a very intriguing device, I mean, at first when I looked at the thing, i Was like WTF??? but after doing some reading, and look at the teaser video, I can't wait untul I can get a hold on one!!
Here are some in depth details of the Revolution Controller!
3D Pointing. Sensors understand up, down, left, right, forward and backward.
Tilt Sensitive. Controller can be rotated or rolled from side-to-side.
Buttons Included. Has a trigger on its backside, face buttons, and a D-Pad.
Multifunctional. Has an expansion port which can be used with different types of controller peripherals. Analog stick with two trigger buttons planned for left hand.
Wireless. Totally wire-free. Currently there are no details on the max distance, source or power, or otherwise.
Rumble Built-in. Included as a standard in all the controllers.
You guys can check some more image here
So finally, 3 weeks a go, my Bro got engaged. It's due time I guess and probably to everyone surprises (especially those who knew him at high school) lol.
So we went to Cirebon that day, a very tiring 3 hours trip with the train. When we arrived. Lanny (my Bro fiancee) meet us at the station and took us to lunch nearby to taste the local food :D
We stayed at this remote resort hotels on a hill some where. It got a 'water massage spa' that I get to try later in the evening. You can check the photo album for it :)
Anyway, the engagement itself is nothing special really (how should this thing go anyway? I don't have a clue). Bunch of laugh, and talk, plan of marriage date, almost everybody from her family was there. Me, I got my bro (obviously), my parents, and two of my dad's sister. Later we went to dinner with her family. There were some mixed up in the restaurant, and all the family got separated due to space.
Just check the photo album guys.
Finally got the deviant page updated!!!
There have been some 'art challange' in the office for the past 3 weeks, for each challange, we decided on a subject to make. The last one was "master and servant". I decided to do something with Panda on it because I never draw one before.
So please comment on it guys!!! I really appreciate it!, the link is on the left side.
I was sick through the whole week. Can't play, can't level up my character... damn it! I was partially well on saturaday so I was able to go to the NDS Gathering that I set up. I was able to play against the guys there and even take them out during multiplayer :D (Hah, I'm good) but then I spend most of the time sitting and telling people how to properly play the game and browse the net for news (eskei happen to bring a laptop)
I spend the WHOLE sunday in bed, doing ABSOLUTELY nothing but sleeping. I didn't even go to the office on monday. But I figure I was well enough to play DnD on monday night. Manage to gangbang a Vampire too without any party members getting wounded. Ha! that'll teach any monster try to mess with my dnd party :D. Actually it's more due to the badluck of the DM rolling almost never above 10 on a d20 dice :P. So we're up to level 4 now!!! One more level and my fighter can finally become a ranger :D
I accompany Bing-Bing to her EsMod competition final on Sunday and to everyone surprise, she won! I mean, it's not that her design was bad or anythig, it's just that the other contestants have excellent design too! As evident in the recently uploaded photoalbum here. As her friend, I'm extremely proud of her :) You Go girl! She got a 4 days round trip to Paris and a year of scholarship in EsMod (it's a fashion design school in Jakarta) she can opt not to take it though. But if she's serious in this subject, I think it's wise for her to take it, right?So anyway, after the competition, I left her and continue playing World of Warcraft, and this is an actual conversation happen in the Game:
[Ishkar]: You're a cute Gnome
[Naraa] (Me): Thanks
[Ishkar]: So are you really a girl?
[Naraa]: Hmm, take a guess
[Ishkar: It's kinda difficult since there's so many male player play the game using a female avatar
[Naraa]: True, but you can tell from the way they speak to you
- Partying up, then fighting monster-
- moments later -
[Ishkar]: So, are you cute in RL (Real life)?
[Naraa]: Well, everybody think themselves cute :)
- More fights with monster -
[Ishkar]: Do you have a man already?
[Naraa]: wtf??
[Naraa]: Dude! I'm a guy!
[Ishkar]: lol
Come on!!! Do I really talk like a girl?? Please folks, players and people online can be really naive sometimes and this is prove to not believe anything you meet/saw/talk to on the 'net until you got a hard proof of it :D
Finally, after long wait, I got my World of Warcraft account on saturday!! Woohooo!!! I've played from 10:00 PM till 6:00 AM. Leveling my Character up to level 10. With an hour of sleep in between :D
A funny thing just happen, I died (in the game) and I move my spirit to where my body is, but I was sleepy so accidentaly I move to under a log. I though I was fine (I'm a gnome) but then, I find that I can't move even a milimeters from where I at. And it doesn't help when a guy beside me who looks like a flock of hair, is BICKERING like no tommorrow!!! Luckyly after shouting to all others (in game) I found a pretty usefull button called 'unstuck' within the help button. And I return to the graveyard and begin my trek once again.
So for those who play the game, I'm at Nerz'hul, palying as a female gnome Warrior called Naraa.
See you in game!
I can't update my blog yesterday. Does this happen to everyone?Anyway, on Monday night, I should have had a DnD Session with some friends of mine. But it happens that the DM (Dungeon Master, a VERY integral part of the session) decided that he's not in the mood to play. So I ended up wasting a couple of hours doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Not that it his fault, you see, he's been sick for the past week, so the 'ol Ball-Chain would've restrict him to play anyway.
The joy of married life eh?
He better gives us a few extra session this week or else!
Oh, I've Uploaded a couple of new pictures from the Bandung Road Trip. So check them out. Now, Meteos, God! this game addictive! Even a friend of mind, who claimed that he hate puzzle game was playing this game withouth turning his DS off for 1.5 day ever since I uploaded the demo to his DS. A funny thing about the demo of this game. From the demo itself, they can spawn them to another DS which make an excellent marketing strategy if there's plenty of DS to go around, and I hope it will be.
Also, April fools day are coming. So what crazy news will we found around that time? Only time will tell
It was good friday day, and as planned, I went to Bandung.
So here I woke up at 5:30 as opposed to the planned 5:00, I was so freak out and I go to take my morning shower (GOD that was cold :P) as quickly as possible, took my well prepared backpack and literally ran to the train station to cue up for the 7:30 train (it took about 30 minutes from my place to the station).
When I arrived, at exatcly 6:15, there was this line on the yet open ticket booth, so I had to cue up till 7:00 (the time the booth open), during cueing, I met Shanti, well, people seems to know her as Moja, a RO player (maybe some of you know her) she went to Bandung as well, so we ended up cueing together.
at Exatcly 7:!5 and the tikecting booth open nad I'm at front, they're almost sold out, and I manage to get by with 3 tickets, for me, nita & annie, both of my friends from Surabaya who just came in the nick of time to go to Bandung together.
I wish I had a Camera with me at the time, as fate dictates, I forgot the damned Camera!!!! Luckily, I borrowed a smaller back up camera from my friends. but the Batteries ran out. Damn it!!!! When I got to Bandung, I spend the whole day without taking a single picture, not because I don't want to, but all the destination we go to don't sell the AAA batteries I needed! talk about bad luck.
We went to eat this Yamian noodle, it was quite good, although they have this weird menu that taste like they put too much soya sauce on it, far too sweet for my taste. After we all gather, we waited for Fenny to come and join us and then we went to Lembang, A place in Bandung famouse for its cafes and views (its located on the hills), we went to Kampung Daun first, it's a very nice place, a bit expensive, but nice place nonetheless, the guys were taking pictures except me, who can't.
Later that evening, I finally get some batteries for my camera, when I opened it, there was no sd card in it, (it turns out it have some internal memory in it), but when I checked, the internal memory was about full!! I immedietly contact my friends, who apprently forgot to backup all the pictures in it so I had to deal with only a couple of space left in it. Thankfully Nita have some space in its mmc card for her mobile. So I get to use them for the rest of the day.
The next day have nothing much to tell, we just spend our days driving around Bandung to buy some snacks, gifts, and food. Oh, and we get to visit this weird, not yet finished, mall, that have all landmark from around the world featured inside them.
The party was nice, simple, but nice, you'll see it in the photo album. Afterwards I get to catch a ride to Jakarta with a some of the gang to help Ping2 locate her destination for next week (She'll be visiting Jakarta along with her sister, and she never set foot in Jakarta before this, ever).
So enough for my rant now, I need to post the pictures :)
Test If this goes in, than it's the coolest feature this blog ever had! And do you know what it is? Mobile blog baby! With this i can update it anytime, anywhere! Anyway, my meteos came today. It's a puzzle game for NDS which cannot be explained with words because people need to play to understand.
So Friendster finally jump into the bandwagon and create their own blogs? Should I say finally or who cares? since there's already a lot of blogs at least, I already got an audience, if my friends willing to be ;) in friendster hehehehe.
btw, I wonder if you can post external link here, for picture and stuff, or should I use to paid subscription. Does anyone knows?
There's a friend's wedding on Friday on a town (three hours train ride long) near where I live. Both of them are my friends in the Uni. So I'll probably meet a lot of friends (hopefully) from the uni :) though I was the 'black sheep' of the gang, always getting bullied and made fun of, but I'm pretty cool with it. What a guy got to do to please his friends, eh?
Also missed my cousins, which scattered around the world :) so guys, send me a message once in a while so I'll know that you're still alive okay :D