I was sick through the whole week. Can't play, can't level up my character... damn it! I was partially well on saturaday so I was able to go to the NDS Gathering that I set up. I was able to play against the guys there and even take them out during multiplayer :D (Hah, I'm good) but then I spend most of the time sitting and telling people how to properly play the game and browse the net for news (eskei happen to bring a laptop)
I spend the WHOLE sunday in bed, doing ABSOLUTELY nothing but sleeping. I didn't even go to the office on monday. But I figure I was well enough to play DnD on monday night. Manage to gangbang a Vampire too without any party members getting wounded. Ha! that'll teach any monster try to mess with my dnd party :D. Actually it's more due to the badluck of the DM rolling almost never above 10 on a d20 dice :P. So we're up to level 4 now!!! One more level and my fighter can finally become a ranger :D
I accompany Bing-Bing to her EsMod competition final on Sunday and to everyone surprise, she won! I mean, it's not that her design was bad or anythig, it's just that the other contestants have excellent design too! As evident in the recently uploaded photoalbum here. As her friend, I'm extremely proud of her :) You Go girl! She got a 4 days round trip to Paris and a year of scholarship in EsMod (it's a fashion design school in Jakarta) she can opt not to take it though. But if she's serious in this subject, I think it's wise for her to take it, right?So anyway, after the competition, I left her and continue playing World of Warcraft, and this is an actual conversation happen in the Game:
[Ishkar]: You're a cute Gnome
[Naraa] (Me): Thanks
[Ishkar]: So are you really a girl?
[Naraa]: Hmm, take a guess
[Ishkar: It's kinda difficult since there's so many male player play the game using a female avatar
[Naraa]: True, but you can tell from the way they speak to you
- Partying up, then fighting monster-
- moments later -
[Ishkar]: So, are you cute in RL (Real life)?
[Naraa]: Well, everybody think themselves cute :)
- More fights with monster -
[Ishkar]: Do you have a man already?
[Naraa]: wtf??
[Naraa]: Dude! I'm a guy!
[Ishkar]: lol
Come on!!! Do I really talk like a girl?? Please folks, players and people online can be really naive sometimes and this is prove to not believe anything you meet/saw/talk to on the 'net until you got a hard proof of it :D
Finally, after long wait, I got my World of Warcraft account on saturday!! Woohooo!!! I've played from 10:00 PM till 6:00 AM. Leveling my Character up to level 10. With an hour of sleep in between :D
A funny thing just happen, I died (in the game) and I move my spirit to where my body is, but I was sleepy so accidentaly I move to under a log. I though I was fine (I'm a gnome) but then, I find that I can't move even a milimeters from where I at. And it doesn't help when a guy beside me who looks like a flock of hair, is BICKERING like no tommorrow!!! Luckyly after shouting to all others (in game) I found a pretty usefull button called 'unstuck' within the help button. And I return to the graveyard and begin my trek once again.
So for those who play the game, I'm at Nerz'hul, palying as a female gnome Warrior called Naraa.
See you in game!