From this day, I'm starting to do my web comic. Seriously, this project have linger in the back of my mind ever since high school, and I have yet to find the media that's suitable for this project.
Now there's web, and I have a pretty accesible connection, a laptop and scanner where I can do my work basically EVERYWHERE
I also found a site that contains screentones that I can use for my comic and it's very useful. Yep, as you can guess, my comic will be in black & white, manga-styled.
For the moment I would call it Great Greed, and it's on a fantasy settings. Wish me luck with this!!
On the side note, I notice I've been generating visits to, so for those who's interested, they now having their annual clearance sale which you can finds out from the link below, and giving out a 5 usd coupon for your next purchase, add that to their free shipping option for order over 50 usd. I''ve been buying many things from them and they never fail me even once! Really recommended!
Play-asia also a nice site to visit and get your things from, but it's primary a gaming web store, although you can find other things suchs as electronics and toys, try it out!
Did u guys know? Shigeru Miyamoto, father of Mario & Donkey Kong turn 53 today!!
I wish him the best today and for the years to come, and thank him for MAKING OUR WORLD COLORFUL AND FULL OF MUSHROOMS!!!