Mom comes for a visit last weekend, actually? She just wanted to shop
here; it was dad who has an IODI (Ikatan Olah raga Dansa Indonesia) -
a national dance organization here in Indonesia.
So we go around Jakarta, mom, my bro, his fiancee, and me. From
morning till night, the second day we decided to sleep over my aunt
house (where my mother is staying).
There's one thing you should know about her house, it's basically
empty!! I mean the whole family is always busy doing stuff, so the
house is empty for the most of the day. So all of us just help
ourselves, and buy breakfast for ourselves the following day.
We went to Sogo supermarket, and guess what we found: a 3 foot
Turkish Bread!! It was so big, I imagine the four of us could bite
from all 4 edges without ever touching each other: D. The bread
itself is delicious, and it only cost like 18k here.