So, I finally in a new place, already for a month btw.
Everything is new for me here, new friends, and new job, and new assignments. And I’m thrilled to be here.
My new office is called Pt. Antar Mira Prakarsa, or better known as M-Stars. Originally, they are a content aggregator, a mobile content Provider actually, and they’re apparently one of the biggest in Indonesia, but lately, they found it interesting to enter a new venture of online PC game. Now, they are currently working together with this company from a local film industry (don’t ask ;) ) to do an online game. Now, that’s where I come in.
My work not starts from 9 to 6, so I get to wake up really late but the thing is, I have to wear this nice clothes, each time I go to work. What can I say, I’m the Game Development Project Manager. It comes with the territory. Still, It kinda choke me on the neck :P
Now hopefully it goes well, because this is all new for me and after a month, I’ve known many new people to add to my network of friends.