I have a lot of toys since I was little, a lot of them, as kids usually do, were largely under appreciated because we treat them just as that, Toys, we play with them until we're bored, or we got a new one and we simply ignore the last one until it's gone missing without we notice them.
AS we grow older, we finally appreciate toys not just as 'toys' but as something worth collectable, and some sort of art. I guess this is probably because the toy industry kinda enter the modern era in 1980, where I start playing with them, and grow up with me, and as I grow older, I start to long for the simple old times and miss those toys I have.
New IP got recycled into something more cool and modern looking, like Star Wars, GIJoe & Transformer, doesn't help. Those films reminded me how stupid I was when as a kid to waste those toys and always wish I take care of them more.
Thankfully, I found my old toys, or at least, some of them when I cleaned my room of stuff and prepare for playing a real life the sims (aka: moving out to a new house). Now that I'm older and have a work on my own, I don't have to wait for my allowance or plead to my parent to get toys, I can get them myself, but as you got older, more responsibility comes in and more funds got thrown out for the more important stuff than toys.
Geez, I miss getting toys for free from my parents :P
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