Honestly, I never even heard of Hoi Hoi San before, but when I saw Her at Play-asia.com, I knew I'm gonna get her.
Hoihoi San is a 1/1 Scale model kit.
Wait, You'd say
a 1/1 scale of a female figure? how big and, most importantly, how expensive would she be? - you'd wonder
Relax, I was startled at first, but when I read more about her, turns out she's a small cockroach-killing robot. Using a projectile weapon against them since conventional bug spray can't.

I didn't realize her box will be so huge, it's almos as big as a MG Gundam plamo, and certainly dwarfed my PSP. Also I got Reycal, but I'm thinking of getting rid of her as I already spend and GOING to spend too much until the end of the year

Inside there's the stundard Runner. Her pieces is not as much a GM Gundam. But hey, it's a plamo of a girl figure, how much parts do you think you really need? :P

The manual book shows a USB port on her back, ofcourse, the figure itself is empty. I wonder if I can find a chinese made mp3 that's small enough to be fitted in her body and make use of that USB connector

The color chart, for those who interested

and of course, a water decal.
I wonder If I'll be using this... it's been a bad habit of mine to not use them since I always thinking I would paint them.... someday (even though in actuality, I never did paint my gundam. Well, there's this ONE time....)
I might taking a go at her tonight (okayyy, that sounds... weird :P - since we're talking about a cute female girl)
I'll try to update my progress in building her
Oh thats a nice grab! Looks like hoi san is getting quite popular! I love your site very nice ^^. Looking forward to the works in prog for this kit
SHe's getting REALLY popular. Lol, btw, I already finish her, will you please check it out?