Getting Close!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 Posted under - ,

Another week, and we're getting close to the final presentation.

There's a couple of groups that can move forward and begin with their final presentation of their product and I'm actually giddy with excitement! Not just for the two groups, but for the whole class!

So I'll just keep it short and continue to the updates:

Selling Game
Nothing new on the presentation here, so no new pictures - sorry guys :P

Many adjustment to the rules and they undergo a very serious testing session this week with a bunch of expert gamers. These tester were brought in to try to come up with a strategy to broke their system.

Let's just say it's a kind of a success and they will have a new adjustment to their system next week.

Island Escape
Major new add on to the game!

Now every player have their own player board to keep track of their status and belongings. A couple of adjustment and new cards in the event deck. A few changes in the map

just a couple more step to the finished work!

Trick or Treat Game
This week we see a major changed on the board movement. The map became this Harvest-Moon-esque town.

The player have to run around, with a dice roll to visit each house to get their candies.

After testing, we found that this game, played with 6 player and will dice roll, doesn't involve a whole lot of player's decision (which is crucial in a game - otherwise it's just something running on it's own) and it took very very long to finish.

This group get a lot of feedback not just from me but from other players and lecturers in the class, I think they might end up changing the rule AND the map at the same time.

Thief Game
The thief game also get some changes to its system. For instance, instead of the player knows who is the thief at the start of the game, the thief identity is hidden and the player other player have to move and guess the other player's behavior to determine the real Thief.

The system is in place, there's a little bit of adjustment to be done, but everything move to the right direction.

And oh, it's completely different to "Scotland Yard" now :D

Looking for Love Game
This 'looking for love' game although sounds interesting in concept, turns out to have a major problem.

The game, as in its state now, is boring to play after 2 maps, not to mention trying to finish all 5 maps. Most of the problem came to:

- Dice Roll movement
- a lot of space to cover in just one map (a player can reach the top of the map in 'just' 5 turns if the roll a 6 one after another, playing in two player might sounds okay, but after 3 players (or more?) it became a disaster in time :P
- no difference between the city; most of the city are the same with nothing to differentiate them with. Instead of feeling like the player visiting a new location each time, it feels like playing 5 same maps

Some changes in their systems and paces are needed here, so after a few discussion, and after suggestion, they seemed to have a new system ready to be used and now it's up to them to expand on those suggestions and ideas.

Like I said above, I can't wait to see the end result :)

read more “Getting Close!”

Class Update

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Due to a combination of busyness/laziness/sickness, I didn't update the class progress last week. My bad. So here I am, just minutes away from taking off to class, updating my blog :P

(God, this connection is so slow when you need them the most :( )

Selling Game

Nothing new to report here, just minor adjustment to the cards and rules

Island Escape

Map already being made, although still on the rough side, more adjustment to the rule

Trick or Treat Game
This one is not available for review last week. This game is about Trick or Treating, where the player have to visit the houses in order to gain candies (as victory points), the will need various costumes and a lot of events will happens to them in each turn.

A lot to modify in this game, the game and its presentation is still very rough, imo

Thief Game
This one is a detective game. The players have to work together to catch the thief player. While the thief player give out a couple of hints in where he go and by what, the other player have to figure out where the thief actually is and trap them.

Pretty good and playable, but the bad things is, this is close to "Scotland Yard" but just in different skin. Lot will have to be reworked to make it dissimilar.

Looking for Love Game
Now this is a very interesting concept and a (planned) presentation. This one about three girls pursuing their love, who happen to be the same guy (lol).

They pursue them across the world and in whole different cities. They planned this to mix it with pop up book presentation, only time will tell how will that go :)

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Knock Off Benefit

Monday, November 02, 2009 Posted under -

Last Weekend, a friend of mine showed me a cheap Chinese knock off of Transformer Animated Jazzl.

The look of this toys is very VERY close to the original product, with a couple of notable details. Of course, for the UNinformed (e.g. lots of parents EVERYWHERE), this toy could pass as the real deal. ESPECIALLY without the fugly package.

This Jazz is missing the light-pimping feature on his eyes, the side light on the front, transforming nunchuck exhaust, and the ball join on its neck.

It retain almost all of the original articulation (as you can see in the pictures)

I know, for some, this can be considered a blasphemy on the series., but consider this:

Transformer toys cost no twice, but almost THREE times its original value in the states. A TF movie deluxe that cost $12 in the states will easily cost Rp.300.000,- (about $31 on current exchange) here (I live in Indonesia, btw). This will make toys like this a luxury goods instead of, you know, toys for kids.

IF I have kids, most likely I'll be buying these cheap knock off for them and 'keeping' the original save for 'when they're older' :D. There is now way I'll let kids handle something so expensive if they could amuse themselves with something so cheap :D

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