Most people who's close to me would know by know, the most unexpected development in my life.
I became a university lecture, teaching Game Development Class.
For most people who know me,
for a long time, that's probably the biggest joke in life :D
SO, never mind about that.
The point is, my class is about game development and it's divided into two semester. Well, it was planned that the class consist of IT students and design students, for some reason unknown to me, the class wasn't offered to the IT students.
SO to compensate, me and Erik, a fellow lecture, bent on teaching how to design a workable gameplay mechanic.
Without IT students
The result? We asked them to create a board game. Since, That way, we though, it would enable them to create a game without an IT students, and learn about gameplay design at the same time.
So, up to this month, 11th week not counting mid-term, after few weeks of theory and practice, they created a nice, playable and a very good Prototype.
Most of them, at least.
Selling Game
The first game we tested today, was a game about selling stuff to customer, the customer ask for certain things, and it's the job of the player to provide it to them to score points.
The Media is card game, there's still a lot to improve, for instance, a score board for easier tracking, but so far it's playable to finish.
The 2nd game tested was a game about escaping Island. A bunch of of kids stranded in a Island, and they have to escape. Actually, the means of escape is already there, but they have to pay.
So the kids have to treasure hunt across the islands, gathering coins while checking how much food they have, to get to the leaving ship.
It probably have the best reaction fo the two, with the students shouting "Huurahs" every time a harvest card event get revealed.
In their adventure the kids will get to find sunken ship, meet pirates ship, moneky island (not the game, in literal sense).
So if the groups in my class happen to read this, there's a keyword to describe what will happen
look it up.
Ever since I saw the first preview of this product, I always knew I'm going to get it, especially the ravage one. Now after a long wait, we get to see the actual product photo and its packaging.
Truthfully? I think it's a rip off for a 2Gb Thumb Drive, really.
But the cool factor negates all logic (in my brain, at least). A thumb drive that transform to Ravage! Imagine that!

Pretty big for a thumb drive, isn't it?

The Packaging.

The back of the box shows the other in the line, which is USB Drive Ravage, Optical mouse Grimlock, and USB Hub Blaster. They said you could put a cassetron inside blaster.
Now THAT's tempting

I wonder if he comes with this clear stand?

Simple transformation, but cool nonetheless

The memory encase in it's head, you just have to flip it out to reveal the usb connector

Ravage & Tigatron together
I worked on Hoi Hoi San last night and finished her too. Boy, she's something alright. Took me about 4 hours doing her while watching a couple of episode of Ninkyo helper.
She's pretty good when finished, can't say I'm a fan of Kotobukiya plamo Quality though. Sometimes there are pieces that doesn't fit really well with each other and I need to cut a bit off in order for them to fit.
And no, this is not my first experience with Kotobukiya kit. My First one is a Hucklebein (from super robot war), even then the quality of material and mold is still far compared to Bandai.
Hoi Hoi San, 4 years later, have better quality than Hucklebein, to be honest. SO I have no regrets in getting her
Like Gundam, you start from the feet, up to her waist. Even building her panties too. No Problem so far, but the feet and the ankle does not fit snugly enough for my taste
I wish the skirt are made of rubber though, since it's plastic, though it's not flexible for articulation. It still look good.
Now this photo shows her torso opened. At first I had planned to fit a MP3 player onsode her. But seeing how small her torso is from the inside, Especially with the ball jointed waist, Now I'm not so sure. At least, I'm not so sure I can fit something inside of her AND keeping her articulation at the same time.
This shows the USB connector slot on the side, which the base of my idead, now I'm not so sure
Torso and Skirt assembled, showing details on her apron.
This is the 'face' that comes with her. At her promotion picture, I though there will be some kind of mechanism for her eye, I'm mistaken. Sadly :P
Head finished! If you notice, her eyelash and eyebrow are pre painted. but you got the water decal as well should you decide to paint her
This is the most troublesome part of HoiHoi San, The hair. The middle hair are two piece part,a hair and a ball joint connector. It's not molded together, and you HAVE to glue it together otherwise it'll fall off easily. Even the manual state so
Hoi Hoi San, ready for action!
Now Yotsuba-chan have a friend to play with
I'd say I'm really happy with my purchase, there are a few gripes, but they are minor. I'm pretty sure Kotobukiya surprised by her popularity and now decide to milk her dry, as evidenced by the last plamo show
Honestly, I never even heard of Hoi Hoi San before, but when I saw Her at, I knew I'm gonna get her.
Hoihoi San is a 1/1 Scale model kit.
Wait, You'd say
a 1/1 scale of a female figure? how big and, most importantly, how expensive would she be? - you'd wonder
Relax, I was startled at first, but when I read more about her, turns out she's a small cockroach-killing robot. Using a projectile weapon against them since conventional bug spray can't.

I didn't realize her box will be so huge, it's almos as big as a MG Gundam plamo, and certainly dwarfed my PSP. Also I got Reycal, but I'm thinking of getting rid of her as I already spend and GOING to spend too much until the end of the year

Inside there's the stundard Runner. Her pieces is not as much a GM Gundam. But hey, it's a plamo of a girl figure, how much parts do you think you really need? :P

The manual book shows a USB port on her back, ofcourse, the figure itself is empty. I wonder if I can find a chinese made mp3 that's small enough to be fitted in her body and make use of that USB connector

The color chart, for those who interested

and of course, a water decal.
I wonder If I'll be using this... it's been a bad habit of mine to not use them since I always thinking I would paint them.... someday (even though in actuality, I never did paint my gundam. Well, there's this ONE time....)
I might taking a go at her tonight (okayyy, that sounds... weird :P - since we're talking about a cute female girl)
I'll try to update my progress in building her
They're not going to let me catch a break, do they?
factions: Decepticon
Luckily (for me, that is) that on this line up, what I most interested in, is Lockdown and Brawn, and quite possible Barricade to accompany my Bumblebee. Not to mention that Lockdown and Brawn is a deluxe size figure so I don't have to pay an arm and a leg to have them
Oh woe is my wallet :P